So,, at first I decided to argue my case, I want to defend my freedom of speech and my right to choose to accept or refuse (hear hear). But, I came to conclusion that it's better to resigned and accept the challenge, so here I am trying to find words to answer those questions and forget my unfinished presentation for Thursday for a while +__+
The questions is in Bahasa Indonesia, but I'm quite busy this morning (and quite hungry,,,) so I decided to keep the original language and broke my English-only rule.
1. Pernah nggak kamu merasa kamu kesepian/sangat kesepian padahal banyak orang si sekitarmu (orang2 yang kamu kenal).
Probably not, or it's so long time ago and I forgot.
I got this one moment just recently in the lab, in the mid-afternoon, the weather was so cloudy and the laboratory really deserted, nobody else but me in that area and there was no sound. I barely registered my surrounding when I stared at my notebook quietly read news in the net, but that moment when I raised my head and started to take a look, man, the lonely feeling surged through my heart (and the laboratory felt somewhat creepy).
So my point is your perspective decided your feeling, you can choose to feeling lonely or not. If you keep busy and doing useful activities that lonely feeling wouldn't come (it worked in my 'deserted laboratory case' haha). As for the lonely feeling in familiar crowd,, just surged to the crowd, join the conversation, being useful. Lonely comes when you felt nobody understand you or you're feeling useless. Well, before you want someone understand your feeling, understand theirs first.
2. Pernah nggak kamu berfikir untuk membuat sesuatu yang menurutmu "WOW"... bermanfaat tidak hanya bagimu tapi juga orang banyak, jika iya apa...dan manfaatnya apa?
Sure, every person in this world have something like "before I die, I have to give the world something", uhmm except psycopaths I think ( you know, they lack emphaty, so I think they don't give a damn to the world)As for me, It's still abstract. Hehe.
3. Apa keinginan terbesarmu yang menurutmu mustahil untuk tercapai...sebutkan apa, dan kenapa?
Dream that I thought impossible?Well, anything is possible with Allah permission.
The key of happiness is "do the best and expect less", so whatever comes around, you accept it with open hand and contented heart. Don't have any ambition you'd say? Well, I'm still working to expand my ambition, maybe.. conquer the world? haha
Yes, I deflecting the questions, I have the right am I? *wink
But, I have something that impossible to overcame or if it's possible it needs a tremendous effort to build it. I want a room that time doesn't matter, another dimension that time much slower than ours. Sounds like a science fiction?

Well, I feel time running fast these days so I want to have one ( I know it's absurd )
4. Jika kamu dikasih kesempatan untuk memilih, mau pilih mana... pergi ke masa depan atau masa lalu... cantumkan alasan kenapa?
I prefer past to future, but can I have them both, please ??
According to physics theory, we could go to the past but not to the future, so I stick to the science (albeit it seems incredulously impossible). The reason is sightseeing, I'd love to sightseeing the past with my own eyes. Maybe I would go to jurassic era, then observed the ice age, observed the early man (Adam AS) and hear Muhammad SAW lecture (I'd need a subtitle for that.. ahh maybe I'd eat Doraemon's 'konyaku translator' ^^).And there was a theory that man and giant-ape (that evolutionist believe is part of the evolution of human) lived in the same era in Europe, and the giant ape is extinct as they couldn't compete with man. It's a clear evidence that those two are different species and denied the hare-brained idea of man evolution from ape =__=, yes, I want to observed this giant apes tribe and early man tribes and watch them compete for the fittest.
To cut short is,, I want to observed every historic events in the past ^^.
5. Jika kamu mendapatkan kesempatan untuk menjadi orang lain, kamu pengen jadi siapa? kenapa beserta alasan.
Do I want to become somebody else? Well, I quite content with my live, so I have to refuse the generous offer.
6. Siapa motivator, atau inspiratormu!! apa yang membuatmu terinspirasi atau termotivasi, cantumkan alasan.
My motivator?? There are so many of them.The first and foremost is Muhammad SAW, for he is the ideal man. The second and the rest is the wise man that come before and after he.
7. Kalau kamu dilanda stress atau galau yang tiada tara, sampai kamu merasa putus asa dan tak tahu harus berbuat apa...apa yang kerap kali kamu lakukan buat ngalahin perasaan itu. apakah cara itu lebih sering berhasil atau malah kadang kala gagal?
The 5 stages when we fell depressed/grief in accord to Kubler-Ross are :
- Denial (this isn't happening to me!)
- Anger (why is this happening to me?)
- Bargaining (I promise I'll be a better person if...)
- Depression (I don't care anymore)
- Acceptance (I'm ready for whatever comes)
So my first step to overcame it is trying to mend the situation, and if it's not worked then I trying to rationalize the out come, it is easier if I did it in writing. It's partly heal the situation and keep it from getting worse.
As for my heart.. I heal it with reading Al-Quran ( we have to read Al-Quran because of Allah not because our broken heart, sooo I still trying to straighten my intention). Beside that I tried to be grateful to Allah SWT, for all His mercy and blessing that I couldn't count and still have. Time heal everything, so I believe there's no failure method in healing depression or galau ^^, as long as it's positive.
More importantly we have to move on, actually we don't have much time to feel depressed, there are so many things that we can pursue rather than wallowing in grief.
Well I have this easy go lucky attitude, it's make me an optimistic by nature and always see the best on people. I found almost every person is likeable or.. some parts of them is likeable =__=.
Let's not over analyze this okay? My head hurts and I'm famished.
9.Tipe teman seperti apa yang membuatmu nyaman ? kenapa?
A friends that I can talk to, when you don't have anything to talk with each other is.. awkward
10. Kalau kamu berkesempatan mengulangi masa lalumu, memori apa yang ingin kamu ubah? alasannya?
Well, I content with my life, I try to make peace with my mistakes and not to be glued to the past. So I refused your offer, thank you,,,Moreover, it can make a butterfly effect, the things that you'd change in the past could effect the future.
11. Terakhir, kita tidak mungkin bisa membalas budi orang tua kita, tapi apa pernah terbesit untuk memberikan ortu kita sesuatu? barang atau apa? sebutkan apa itu? serta alasan kenapa?
Yes, of course. Alhamdulillah my parents is still alive, so the most important things is keeping them happy, and in my current situation (student, still depend to them) is limited to give them my strength (swept, moped, sometimes cooked when I was home) and gave small gifts.
But someday I want to give them something, and it's a secret *wink. I do have the right to keep silent, don't I?
The Messenger of God, upon whom be peace, said: "When a person dies the benefit of his/her deeds ends, except three: a continuous charity, knowledge from which benefit is derived, or a pious child praying to God for him/her" (The Hadith was related by Muslim and Ahmad).
“Jika seseorang meninggal dunia, maka terputuslah amalannya kecuali tiga perkara yaitu: sedekah jariyah, ilmu yang dimanfaatkan, atau do’a anak yang sholeh” (HR. Muslim no. 1631)

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