This October I got a lot of interests (am I tell you that I have really diverse interests?), and today my interest runs toward "TIME". No, not that hugely popular magazine, but time as second, minute, hour, day, etc.
What is time really?
Why sometimes we feel like time barely moving or time flies by fastly?
Is time travel to the past really possible?
The last question is not relevant but I'd pondered it some days ago (with the promise to check the relativity (?) theory if I got a free time),, The idea popped in my mind considering time travel is the newest trend in K-drama recently and I'd read several fiction books about time travel sometime ago. Buuut unfortunately I wouldn't write about it in this entry (I got that lazy syndrome again :p).
This days I feel like time flies by really fast, I just came in the laboratory (really early in the morning) put my bag away, donned my lab coats, got busy in doing my research, and whenever I looked my wristwatch, I noticed several hours had past. After the surprised part had gone away, my brain pondered about how much time left and how much work can be done within the time limit. Every day become a contest for both body and brain, no wonder I often come home exhausted. As for today (if you curious why I have time to updating this blog) my planned have been canceled, I lost the battle. I can't lay my hand to the reactor, the opposing team had seized it first (haha). Oh my, it's seem I've been rambling out of topic.
Ok, back to the main topic.
There are 2 main concepts of time. First is the Newtonian time, which described time as part of fundamental structure of the universe--a dimension independent of events, in which events occur in sequence. In contrast, the second concept said that time doesn't refer to any kind of container that events and objects "move through", time is instead a part of fundamental intellectual structure (together with space and number) which humans sequence and compare events. The second view according to Gottfried Leibniz and Immanuel Kant holds that time is neither an event nor a thing, and thus is not itself measurable nor can it be travelled (Well, I guess this concept deny the probability of time travel and.. deny the presence of clock.. wait what?).
I learned Einstein concept about time in high school, the famous relativity theory. In his special theory of relativity he postulated the constancy and finiteness of the speed of light for all observers. This postulate showed that distances appear compressed and time intervals appear lenghtened for events associated with objects in motion relative to an inertial oberver. Well, for examples there were a twin, one traveled to space with the same velocity as the speed of light, the other stay on earth (found a job, got married, got some children and grandchildren while waiting his twin to come home--the bottom line is his twin went in a really long voyage with the spaceship). When the space traveler come home, the one that stay on earth aged faster than the astronaut.
That's physic, let's ponder about time in simple ways. Time seem move faster when we're doing interesting things or when we're concentrate to something. It will seemingly move much slower when we encounter boring events, boring lecture, or waited impatiently to someone who comes late. BUT, because we can feel time, we need a device to measure it, that was why clock invented.
In Al-Qur'an, Surah Al-Ashr (103), time is described as something precious. The tafseer from Syed Maududi described that Time is witness to the truth that man is in sheer loss except those with the four qualities: (1)Faith, (2)righteous deeds, (4)exhorting one another to Truth, and (4)exhorting one another to patience. Here, since the oath has been sworn by time absolute, both kinds of time (past and present) are included in the meaning. The oath by the past means that people who were without these qualities eventually incurred loss. And for the present we consider that whatever act we perform, good or bad, and whatever occupation we pursue, takes place in limited span of age that we have been given in the world. We feel that our real wealth is this very time which is passing so quickly.
And as a reminder to myself, we're just passing by on dunya (earth), we should live as if we're just sailing through dunya, and the main destination is akhirah (hereafter), do not drown to dunya and forget about the real objective. So, use your time wisely
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