I build this blog basically to share my thought in English
My first and second (active) blog is written both in English and Indonesian, so this reisunnyday.blogspot.com (hopefully) will solely written in English.
My written English wasn't bad (and neither is good), but it's not getting any better if we don't use it anymore isn't it? Hmmm
I've been thinking about this blog concept, and I've come to conclusion that whatever concept I used, that will be a high possibility I won't obey it. So, this blog has no concept >_<. I'll write whatever I'm in the mood for (hehe)
But let me introduce my self first.
I was graduated from Universitas Gadjah Mada in Chemistry Department and now continuing my postgraduate study in the same department specifically in Environmental Chemistry (so,, don't surprise if wild article about Chemistry appear ^^). I still learning about Islam as a way of life ^^ so (probably) I'll post some of it (not copy paste I hope.....). And as I very interested in everything concerning nature, animal, health, and politic, there will be a big chance that I'll post related subject.
And lastly, as sometimes I turn on my lazy mode (and busy mode ahahaha), there will be a high possibility I won't post at all.
Oh well, lets do the best and hope for the best, but remember only Allah SWT knows what better for you
Keep your spirit up and think positive!! ^__^